Birthday Readings
2025-2026 Energy Birthday Readings
Your birthday reading is a personalised guide to what your energy is seeking and what’s to come over the next 12 months. I have combined all my trained modalities into one with the addition of a 12 month forecast reading from your birthday this year to your next. This reading will be done in a quarterly formate.
Along side your Birthday Reading and 12 month forecast you will also receive:
- Whole body chakra alignment using Reiki and Auric Field clearing with breakdown of areas worked, blocks, symbols used, and support.
- Removal of trapped emotions (if you’re a current client of mine and have a heart wall layer remaining it will be removed in this service). Removal of trapped emotions from this life, family inheritance, past life and absorbed emotions.
- Clearing of any entities attached and understandings around them.
- Womb healing, Spiritual understanding and Emotional balance reading of choice.
- 3 card pull with your choice of oracle or Tarot deck used.
- The option to ask 3 questions for your 2025-2026 forecast and answers.
Do you want to gift a Birthday Reading voucher? click here to add to your cart.
There will only be ONE available spots a day for the birthday readings, by doing this it ensures I have enough time and attention available between my regular clients for you to receive your extensive birthday readings. You will enter your birth date and it will be sent that day. When booking your birthday reading you may find its become unavailable but you have the option to book for the prior or following day so you can still get your hands on a birthday reading around this timeframe with the only difference of it not being received on your actual birthday.
You will not need to be present for this session as they will be delivered to your email on your birthday! so you can start your magical day of the with fresh insight, guidance and blessings.
This is my biggest offering to date and I’m so excited to bring this service for you on the day you were brought into this world and celebrated. Because of the time and energy that goes into these sessions no refunds will be given for change of mind but a credit will be given if circumstances arise . If you have any questions please use the contact us link here.
I look forward to connecting with your energy soon.